I haven’t posted much lately. Just been busy with plenty of other things. I figured I should post something since I set a new record today for traffic. I hadn’t had this much traffic in almost a year. My high traffic time last year was mostly after my post about weird results in google trends. I was also posting more regularly back then which definitely helped.
I started to have a definite increase in traffic yesterday, mostly because of my post about passover and constipation that I wrote last year. That post does pretty well in the search engines given no real off site SEO, for key words such as “matzah constipation” (5th on Google), “matzo constipation” (7th result), “passover matzo constipation” (4th result), “passover and constipation” (3rd result), and several other similar types of searches. I find it amazing what people are looking for.
In addition to the search engine traffic, I actually got some natural off-site SEO benefits (and some traffic today) coming from a link in a blog article about Passover compared to Patriots’ Day
Interestingly, the most traffic today came from a Craigslist posting linked to one of my articles on building the Keter Bellevue Shed. I’m guessing some of my pages are showing good enough rankings in the search engines, combined with content that is good enough to warrant natural links. The pages are almost a year old, but they probably have been ranking similarly for a few months and now that it is Spring, there is an actual interest in the content.
It’ll be interesting to see if other pages start ranking better now that some pages are getting links.