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Lawnmower starts fine even with old gas

I realized it was finally time to break out the lawnmower.  As I was unloading it, I realized that I didn’t run out the gas last fall.  I started to worry that I may have mucked up the engine.  I did a little research (as I tend to do) and there are a few potential problems with leaving the gas in over the winter.  The most common comments online were… Read More »Lawnmower starts fine even with old gas

Getting my phone to set alarms using just voice commands

After listening to Howard Stern this morning talk about how he loves using Siri on his iPhone to set alarms, I figured I would see if android could do the same. On my XPRT running Froyo 2.2 I gave it a try.  It recognized my voice just fine but the screen gave an error message saying “set alarm…” in order to use this command you need to download the updated clock app”. … Read More »Getting my phone to set alarms using just voice commands

One source of mold in the attic

We had a warm spell a few weeks ago and I noticed that there were some large icicles hanging off the gutter on the back of our house.  I initially thought it was maybe an area where some leaves were clogging the gutter, so the water overflowed forming the icicles.  The weird thing was that I noticed water dripping out of the soffit vent in that area.  I of course… Read More »One source of mold in the attic

Unable to find a clickable link on Adsense

After I ran Argente Utilities to try to clean up my computer a bit, I noticed that I was getting occassional errors when browsing with Internet Explorer, but not with Firefox or Chrome.  The specific error was “An Add-On For this Website Failed to Run” and I noticed that some of the adsense ads weren’t loading properly.  Some banner ads were just blank rectangles and the link ads were plain… Read More »Unable to find a clickable link on Adsense

Unable to view my apps in Google Play

While I’m trying to identify the culprit causing spam ads in my notification bar, I now have a new problem.  Since I couldn’t easily identify the app causing the trouble, I started with uninstalling an app for  Now, whenever I go into the android marketplace and click on “My Apps” I get an option for “Force Close” or “Send Report” with the message: Sorry! The application Market (process… Read More »Unable to view my apps in Google Play

I hate android notifications that I didn’t ask for

I’m pissed. Not sure why an ad showed yup in my notification bar asking “see if someone is spying on you” or something like that. I noticed the link was for an affiliate marketing company called Deadbolt.  I haven’t found an easy way to see which app is using them. There is another company called airpush and there is an app to detect airpush in your apps.  I didn’t have… Read More »I hate android notifications that I didn’t ask for

Autocomplete that people just have to click

I had another new traffic record yesterday.  92% of the traffic was related to people searching on the topic of the google trend weirdness post I wrote. I’m really curious how much of this traffic is from bots trying to alter the Google autosuggestion feature, how much is from people wanting to know why this happens, and how much is from people hoping to find out disgusting stories. At least… Read More »Autocomplete that people just have to click

Typing this with my voice

I just got a new phone – the Motorola XPRT.  I finally had to get rid of my HTC Touch Pro 2 because the internal earpiece speaker stopped working.  I hadn’t considered switching for a long time because of the great SERO plan that I had, however I decided it was finally time to let go of the SERO plan and upgrade to the SERO premium plan. I haven’t done… Read More »Typing this with my voice

Annual traffic trends

I haven’t posted much lately.  Just been busy with plenty of other things.  I figured I should post something since I set a new record today for traffic.  I hadn’t had this much traffic in almost a year.  My high traffic time last year was mostly after my post about weird results in google trends.  I was also posting more regularly back then which definitely helped. I started to have… Read More »Annual traffic trends

Chromebook to play with

It’s a bit ironic that I was praising Microsoft’s cloud offerings just about a month ago, and then Google sends me a CR-48 netbook to pilot.  I suppose I am a good candidate to test out the CR-48 as I’m someone who is moving to “the cloud”. I haven’t had much time to blog lately, mainly because I’m still behind at my day job.  Once I get caught up there… Read More »Chromebook to play with