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Maybe I was an Exact Match Domain algorithm false positive?

I was still struggling with figuring out why all of my sites lost traffic on September 28, 2012.  My sites aren’t exact match domains, and the content had never been affected by Panda (as far as I could tell).  It is possible that with Panda 20 some factor that was helping me before got taken out, or something new that is now hurting me was added. I kept reading on… Read More »Maybe I was an Exact Match Domain algorithm false positive?

Is there a way to get a pseudonym approved in advance on Google plus?

One reason I haven’t been active on Google plus is because of their pseudonym policy.  Originally, they strictly banned pseudonyms, but now it seems they do allow pseudonyms that have a “significant” following.  They haven’t defined what that means – and I’m guessing my identity at this point may not be “significant”. I made some recent changes to this site, to try to figure out why the rankings have suffered… Read More »Is there a way to get a pseudonym approved in advance on Google plus?

Jim Breuer says cancer loves sugar

As a doctor, I got very uncomfortable with today’s Howard Stern interview with Jim Breuer.  I think Jim seems like a very likeable, talented, and smart guy. On the May 30 episode, he talked about his wife having being diagnosed with breast cancer after discovering a lump in her breast.  She decided to have aggressive surgery and had a double mastectomy.  It turned out she also had an early cancer in… Read More »Jim Breuer says cancer loves sugar

Google Panda still hurting me

I’ve seen a continued downward trend since last September’s Panda 20 update.  My sites that lost about 50% of their traffic overnight are now down to about 35% of their previous traffic.  It basically seems each week they lose a bit more traffic.  The pattern of traffic has also been very strange since hit by Panda 20. Basically, my traffic is reasonable in the morning and evening, but then something… Read More »Google Panda still hurting me

DXR-5 Video Camera is killing my wireless internet

I have AT&T Uverse and I’m mostly happy with the service they provide.  One of the issues that I’ve struggled with is their internet service.  You are locked into using their router / gateway, as the one device provides the connections to TV, phone, and internet (both wired and wireless). I have a desktop computer in one location that really doesn’t get the best wifi connection.  I also don’t have… Read More »DXR-5 Video Camera is killing my wireless internet

I don’t know much about bees

Over the past week, I’ve noticed a few dying or dead bees inside my house – maybe 5 or 6. I’ve never had anything like this before, and I really wasn’t sure what to do. Looking on the internet I couldn’t find a clear recommendation, so I decided to call some professionals. I figured I’d share what they have to say but I’m still not sure exactly what will happen. Exterminator #1… Read More »I don’t know much about bees

Win 8 keeps Grub from loading with dual boot Ubuntu on Dell Desktop – Solved

I spent more than a few hours trying to get Ubuntu to play nicely with pre-installed windows 8 on a new Dell Inspiron 660s.  Previously, it was fairly easy to install Ubuntu using WuBi.  Now, thought, there are issues with UEFI which is meant to be an additional security layer.  Also, it seems Windows 8 wants to take over a system’s bios and replace it with their own settings.  All in all, it… Read More »Win 8 keeps Grub from loading with dual boot Ubuntu on Dell Desktop – Solved

Garbage Disposal causes water to back up into second sink

I’m a novice when it comes to plumbing issues, but I did learn a bit with this episode.  We have a dual sink in our kitchen, and one side has a garbage disposal.  The sink seemed to be going down fine, but then when we ran the garbage disposal, the 2nd sink on the other side started to back up messy water filled with food bits.  I assumed the garbage… Read More »Garbage Disposal causes water to back up into second sink

Exact match domain and Panda 20 – how do they work?

I’m still very perplexed by the update that happened on September 28, 2012.  It seems all of my websites were hit, no matter how they were designed, how they were formatted, what the topics were, or how good the quality of the material was.  My sites all seemed to take a 50% hit in traffic.  It has now been four months and I’ve seen no consistent evidence of any change,… Read More »Exact match domain and Panda 20 – how do they work?

My sites got slammed September 28, 2012

When I first started this blog, I posted some thoughts on the Mayday Update of 2010 and how the Google Caffeine architecture was maybe a part of their ability to do some interesting things.  A lot has changed with Google since that time, with much of the recent interest being on the Panda and Penguin updates.  I haven’t posted much of my thoughts on those updates as neither had affected… Read More »My sites got slammed September 28, 2012