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How I made sure I didn’t have lice

So 2 weeks before one of my little F’ers comes home from overnight, we get a call that there has been an outbreak of lice at camp.  Our lucky child happens to have nits but no visible lice were spotted.  They went ahead and treated him (with who knows what) and then they treated again after 1 week.  This was a few days before he comes home. I of course… Read More »How I made sure I didn’t have lice

Heath insurance companies are no fun to work with

As I mentioned several months ago, I had issues with coverage denied for a brain MRI but it seemed to all get sorted out.  I don’t think I mentioned in the last post that the final person I spoke to said it was clearly marked in their system that I am not responsible for the bill and that it was the hospital’s responsibility to obtain approval.  I told that woman that… Read More »Heath insurance companies are no fun to work with

More visitors to my site

I noticed that I had a relatively large increase in traffic yesterday – with a few different searches actually finding their way to this website.  As this site gets very little traffic in general, a relatively large increase is still only a little traffic.  I’m curious if the traffic was increased just by the fact that I had posted more frequently?  Could that possibly lead to an increase in rankings… Read More »More visitors to my site

Blog posts getting indexed quickly, forum posts not so much

As I mentioned in my previous post on the speed with which WordPress blog posts get indexed, I also have an older much more established site using a popular forum software.  That forum software is nicely optimized for easy indexing and I have sitemaps set-up, etc.  Nonetheless, the posts on that forum don’t get indexed immediately like the WordPress posts do.  I made a simple post during the last week and… Read More »Blog posts getting indexed quickly, forum posts not so much

Forum posts slower to get indexed than blogs

While this website continues to get relatively little traffic, I do follow the search trends pretty closely.  After the initial good results during the Mayday update, it appears Google has fine tuned the results to again include pagerank as a bigger factor.  Lack of links to this website is the main reason I think some of the posts are getting much less traffic than similar posts on another one of… Read More »Forum posts slower to get indexed than blogs

Dog eats human – food

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the story about the drunk man whose dog ate his infected toe?  “Experts” believe the dog was attracted to the man’s toe because of high sugar levels in the man’s toe.  The guy suspected something might be wrong with his foot for a few months but had only recently made an appointment. And the man’s wife is a nurse?  This is another one of… Read More »Dog eats human – food

IMG Docs better at treating heart attacks

Just read an interesting news article about a study showing treatment of heart attack patients was best amongst doctors who were born and trained overseas and are now practicing in the United States.  Second best group was US born citizens who trained in US medical schools – but they were still 9% worse than the foreign born/trained docs.  The worst group were US born citizens who trained overseas – doing… Read More »IMG Docs better at treating heart attacks

Unable to get activesync working on my TP2

After around 7:30am today I stopped getting emails on my touch pro 2.  I’ve had this happen before and usually I just get a message in Activesync saying that some settings were updated on the server and I need to OK for it to resynch and I may loses changes since the last time I synched (sunk?) my phone.  This time I had no such luck. I went into activesync… Read More »Unable to get activesync working on my TP2

Troubleshooting blog posting software

Very odd. I entered a post through Diarist earlier today and it didn’t show up on the website. It is listed under my posts on the website but the status is “scheduled” for the time earlier today when it was sent to the website. Not sure why it didn’t publish and I’ll see if I can get it to show up now.